Memories in Objects
“Your dad’s love of collecting model Nasar’s came from his dad gifting him one when he was young. You girls loved playing with them and asking about who the drivers were when you were little, and he was always ecstatic to tell you guys all about them. He didn’t have any sons, so the fact that you girls could bond over these with him meant a lot to him. Did you know that a lot of the cartoon character cars we have were ones he bought specifically for you guys to play with and enjoy? He really loved you guys a lot and wanted to share everything with you.”
Photo Series
Stevenson University
December 2022
This series of photos was inspired by objects that evoke memories when we interact with them. I was inspired to create this series after a late night discussion about our childhoods. To acquire subject matter, I interviewed some of my friends and family for their objects that held memories. All of the shots were created as close ups to symbolize how close these objects are to my family and friends hearts with captions to help better explain why these objects are significant to them.